From the Classrooms
Our teachers demonstrate the educational theory of Montessori Philosophy
in everyday practice. The benefits for the children shine through.
Our teachers demonstrate the educational theory of Montessori Philosophy
in everyday practice. The benefits for the children shine through.
The ‘Absorbent Mind’ is a Montessori term used to describe how the young child’s brain effortlessly soaks in every detail of their environment.
Practical Life is a series of exercises aimed at assisting the child to gain independence through the mastery over the environment.
Storytelling, creativity and allowing the imagination to take flight. How does this happen in this classroom?
The 3-6 Children’s House is a language rich environment.
Our lessons in the 6-9 classroom are therefore given with an appeal to their imagination and an appeal to reason.
What we seek is to provide opportunities for children to demonstrate their understanding in a variety of ways that can show his
or her true strength.
The Great River is the sixth and last great story we tell in 9-12 classroom.
Explore the Montessori approach to assessing your child through observation and student portfolios.