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Forestville Montessori School Community

Montessori At Home- Caring for self and Environment (Part 2)

By FMS Values, Montessori Educators, Our School No Comments
Last week we introduced a variety of ways to set up your home to make it easy for toddlers and young children to successfully engage in practical life tasks at home (read it again here).   We shared tips for the kitchen, bathroom and living areas. We were reminded that engaging in simple household tasks not only helps young children develop skills, it nurtures their growing sense of agency, the…
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Montessori at Home: Preparation and task guide for young children (Part 1)

By FMS Values, Montessori Educators, Our School No Comments
As Montessori families, you know how many practical life activities your children engage with each day at school.  Most families are interested in learning how they can continue to develop these practical skills at home. To help, we have prepared this simple-to-follow list, broken down according to room/location within the home.  It is ideal for families with toddlers (2-3 years) and young children, up to 6 years old. Some of the most important aspects of…
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FMS Parent Survey: Collaboration for our community

By FMS Values, Montessori Educators, Our School No Comments
Earlier this year we shared an article titled ‘Strengthening the Family-School Connection.’ In this article, we identified 3 elements we believe are central to building strong school-family connections. They were communication, education and participation. Today, as we prepare to share your feedback from the most recent FMS parent survey, we’d like to add an additional element for the ongoing strength of our school-family connection, and that is collaboration.Collaboration is the…
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