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Stop Tantrums and Defiance in 4 steps with Lorena Seidel

By Emotional Wellbeing, Parenting No Comments
In our latest blog, we share Lorena Seidel's incredible presentation on Tantrums and Defiance. Lorena Seidel M.Ed. is a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Consultant, a certified Montessori teacher, a trained Positive Discipline Educator, a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction MBSR teacher, and a mother of three. In this video, Lorena will share various tools and strategies to help parents thrive at parenting and create an emotionally intelligent home. She answers parent questions, and…
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An Education for Life and for Peace

By Forestville Montessori Alumni No Comments
“I beg the dear all-powerful children to unite with me for the building of peace in Man and in the world.’ Dr Maria Montessori. These words, that can be found on Maria Montessori's tombstone, are an indication of the immense respect she had for children and her incredible belief in their potential.  For those families who joined us at the Alumni Q&A recently, you would’ve heard for yourself just how much…
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Meet our FMS Alumni – Idette Warburton

By Montessori in Action No Comments
Idette Warburton, an FMS Alumni, share her thoughts on the importance of a child’s early education and some memories from her time as a student at FMS. She believes that “a child’s primary years are the truly academic years and getting this foundation right is critical in a child’s development and performance beyond primary school.  Montessori truly is an education for life.” 
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Meet our FMS Alumni – Dan Allen

By Montessori in Action No Comments
Dan Allen, an FMS Alumni, shares how his time at Forestville Montessori School gave him a strong foundation to build his future on, enabling him to pursue his passions in life: "Montessori enabled me to pursue my passions and think of challenges and obstacles in a different way. When I faced challenges in school or now at work, my time at Montessori gave me the ability to take them on…
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Meet our FMS Alumni – Jemima Barnes

By Montessori in Action No Comments
Jemima Barnes, an FMS Alumni, shares how her current role as a Speech Pathologist reflects and incorporates the Montessori principles she learnt whilst at FMS – including learning through materials and being a self-motivated learner. "School really was fun. I was self-directed, learning what I wanted to learn. Being in a classroom with 3 different age groups taught me to learn from older children and to become a mentor and…
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Meet our FMS Alumni – Lucy Allen

By Montessori in Action No Comments
Lucy Allen, an FMS Alumni, shares how her time at Forestville Montessori School helped develop her love of learning as well as a sense of who she is, her strengths and interests. Hear more about Lucy's experiences following her primary education at FMS. “As a student, you’re not asked to leave your thoughts, experiences and who you truly are at the door.  Each and every child is celebrated in all…
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6 Simple Ways to Show Her You Care on Mother’s Day

By Montessori Philosophy, Parenting No Comments
Everyone loves to feel appreciated.  With Mother’s Day coming up this Sunday, it’s a great time to think of how you might show the mums in your life what they mean to you.  Here are six simple ideas to celebrate and care for the woman who cares for everyone. Remember to have a card ready. You could absolutely buy a Mother’s Day card; there are plenty of great ones out…
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Joining a Montessori Community

By Montessori in Action No Comments
We care for your children and  because we care we want each and every one of them to thrive.  Thriving beyond here at FMS is more than a tagline, it’s a way of being, a way of doing, a way of taking every child on their own unique journey.   Your child is important to us, central to all that we do.  Your hopes and desires for your child matter to…
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A mother and child cooking, creating family rituals

Creating Family Rituals

By FMS Values, Helpful Hints, Montessori Basics, Montessori Philosophy, Talking with children No Comments
“See you in the morning, Hoot, Hoot,” sings my daughter, “See you in the morning, Hoot Hoot,” me echoing a reply. This is the silly song you would hear in our family home every night before my daughter goes to bed.  It started after watching Giggle and Hoot when she was oh so young and we’ve continued ever since.  Now she tells me that is she goes for a sleepover…
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Read our 2018 Annual Report

By Montessori Basics No Comments
Central to everything we do is our Montessori philosophy and our commitment to providing the highest quality of Montessori education through our Birth to age 12 programs. This is strengthened by our vision and our core values. To make this happen, we focus on aligning all that we do in our day to day practices to support our students in their growth and development, our staff in their passion for…
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