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Helpful Hints

Establishing the Flow: Your Guide to a School Year Started Off Right

By Helpful Hints No Comments
It’s that time of the year again. Over the course of the summer, and even with the best of intentions, some of our routines tend to dissolve and give way to relaxation and adventures. Which is great!  The school year, however, has begun.  Now is the perfect time to consider what your family will do to get back into the groove.  Unless this is your child’s first year heading to…
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Food Glorious Food – Home Edition

By Helpful Hints, Parenting No Comments
Food preparation as a skill is an integral element of any Montessori classroom. While specific lessons feature most prominently during the Toddler and Pre-School  years, our lower and upper primary educators  find ways to teach children these important skills throughout the year as well.  Learning one’s way around the kitchen is a skill that couldn’t be easier to translate at home. Parents - you can support this important learning as often as you like;…
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Book List: Help Me Do It Myself

By Helpful Hints, Montessori Learning No Comments
“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.” -Dr. Maria Montessori   One of the most critical values of Montessori education is the fostering of independence. Our children need our support, but we are tasked with the gradual release of this support. Doing so is a challenge, for no two children are exactly alike and we are required to observe carefully and be flexible in…
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Books About Kindness

By Helpful Hints, Montessori Learning No Comments
“Let us treat them, therefore, with all the kindness we would wish to develop in them.”  Maria Montessori Tomorrow, Friday 13th November is World Kindness Day.  If there is any year our generation has needed kindness in the world, it’s been this year.  Are you finding that people around you are kinder?   I am.  I’m also finding that people have slowed down and stopped rushing around being busy for busy…
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Series to Get Hooked On: A Book List to Keep Them Reading!

By Helpful Hints, Montessori Learning No Comments
When was the last time you read a book that was so good you hated to see it end? Perhaps it was part of a series and you quickly got your hands on the next book, or perhaps it was an author’s style that you loved so you began reading everything you could find that they’d written. New readers can experience the same feeling. All it takes is one truly…
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5 Reasons Your Child Should Keep A Journal (and how you can get them started)

By Helpful Hints, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
Looks like we’ll all be holidaying at home this coming winter or at least in New South Wales!  So, whether a major family road trip is on the cards or you plan to take a more low-key and local approach, your child is sure to have some fun experiences and adventures.  Capturing these experiences can be done a variety of ways, and one way is to write them down! Journaling…
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It’s Bedtime!

By Helpful Hints, Parenting No Comments
At some point or another, we all struggle with some element of our children’s bedtimes. We know they need a good amount of quality sleep but making that happen is no small task. Figuring out what works for your child is best done early on in their life, so today we are sharing some ideas to implement a successful bedtime structure for your baby or toddler.  But if you have…
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A mother and child cooking, creating family rituals

Creating Family Rituals

By FMS Values, Helpful Hints, Montessori Basics, Montessori Philosophy, Talking with children No Comments
“See you in the morning, Hoot, Hoot,” sings my daughter, “See you in the morning, Hoot Hoot,” me echoing a reply. This is the silly song you would hear in our family home every night before my daughter goes to bed.  It started after watching Giggle and Hoot when she was oh so young and we’ve continued ever since.  Now she tells me that is she goes for a sleepover…
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