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FMS Values

Montessori and Peace Education

By FMS Values, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
Our world is often a tumultuous and scary place.  How can we help our children feel safe and cared for, while preparing them to lead the way as adults?  How can we cultivate empathy, kindness, gratitude, and the sense of community that helps people work together?  Montessori education has been addressing these issues for over a hundred years.  Sometimes the lessons are direct; at other times they are more subtle. …
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Choose to Challenge

By FMS Values, Montessori Learning No Comments
"Choose to challenge" is the 2021 International Women’s Day theme, celebrated on Monday 8th March.  If there’s one woman in history who did just that it’s Maria Montessori.  We would like to share a little bit about the woman herself, the course this remarkable educational movement has taken, and where we are today.  Education, Service, and Drive, From the Start  In a seaside town in Italy, Maria Montessori was born in August of 1870.…
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The Rights of a Child

By FMS Values, Montessori Learning No Comments
‘Childhood has shown me that all humanity is one.” Maria Montessori   Thirty-one years ago, world leaders made a historic commitment to the world’s children by adopting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, an international agreement on childhood.  It’s become the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history and has helped transform children’s lives around the world.  The Rights of the Child according to the United…
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Preparing your child for an unpredictable future?

By FMS Values, Parenting No Comments
How does a parent prepare their child for an unpredictable future?  Don’t we all just want to give them every possible advantage? How do we define success in our children’s lives?  Is it about being able to provide for oneself or is it finding joy in the work we do?  Is it about contributing to our communities or perhaps continuing to learn throughout our lives?  Couldn’t it (shouldn’t it) be…
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The Smiles Say it All…

By FMS Values, Parenting No Comments
Living in Australia away from my homeland I’ve come to appreciate the times that my parents have travelled a very long way to be with my daughter.  Now they are older and not able to travel we miss them so much and we take regular trips back to Scotland to be with them.   What’s special about the time they spend together are the little things like the day she dropped…
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A mother and child cooking, creating family rituals

Creating Family Rituals

By FMS Values, Helpful Hints, Montessori Basics, Montessori Philosophy, Talking with children No Comments
“See you in the morning, Hoot, Hoot,” sings my daughter, “See you in the morning, Hoot Hoot,” me echoing a reply. This is the silly song you would hear in our family home every night before my daughter goes to bed.  It started after watching Giggle and Hoot when she was oh so young and we’ve continued ever since.  Now she tells me that is she goes for a sleepover…
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Montessori and Peace Education

Montessori and Peace Education

By FMS Values, Montessori Basics, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
Our world is often a tumultuous and scary place. How can we help our children feel safe and cared for, while preparing them to lead the way as adults? How can we cultivate empathy, kindness, gratitude, and the sense of community that helps people work together? Montessori education has been addressing these issues for over a hundred years. Sometimes the lessons are direct; at other times they are subtle. The…
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