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FMS Values

It takes a village to educate a child

By FMS Values, Montessori in Action, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
They say it takes a village to raise a child, and at FMS, we extend this to educating children too.  The work of educating children is the sum of much more than letters and numbers. A holistic, traditional Montessori education does not stop at the school gate. In fact, it starts at home and extends into our broader families, social groups, community and of course the school itself.  The holistic…
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Montessori Education: the future is now!

By FMS Values, Helpful Hints, Montessori in Action No Comments
Montessori education has been successfully serving children and families around the world for over a century, yet the fundamentals remain – and for good reason! Our methods are consistently backed by current research in education and human development, like this recent article published by The Conversation. While such research is a boon to the reputation of Montessori schools, we are further encouraged by a clear congruence of current Montessori methodologies…
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Strengthening the Family-School Connection

By FMS Values, Helpful Hints, Montessori in Action No Comments
The school and family connection is important for both parties involved. How do we strengthen it? What does it mean to have a connection between these two? This week’s blog is absolutely full of ideas, and we would love to hear yours too! Our children thrive when home and school environments work cooperatively, communicate well, and share similar educational values and expectations. At FMS, we have been active in sharing…
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Helping children “find their flow” in the school day

By FMS Values, Helpful Hints, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
You may have heard the quote” “How you start your day is the way you live your day, how you live your day is how you live your life.’ (Louise Hay).  At the start of the school year, this quote is a great reminder to help our children get the best start to their day so they the best outcomes from their day.  One of the simplest ways to structure…
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Fostering Harmonious Friendships At School

By Emotional Wellbeing, FMS Values No Comments
At the start of a new school year, our focus turns to routine, academics and extra-curricular activities. For children however, one of the most important aspects of returning to school is friendship. School friendships can, and should, be a source of great joy and inspiration for all children. Unfortunately, we know this is not always the case.  Friendships at school have a profound impact on the child’s sense of security, confidence…
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Family Holiday Rituals

By Article, Emotional Wellbeing, FMS Values No Comments
The holidays are a wonderful time to start rituals as a family. If you have a few you already practice, this read will give you some more to add to your list.The extended time we have with our children over the summer holidays is a great opportunity to create family and holiday rituals. In his book, Ritual: How Seemingly Senseless Acts Make Life Worth Living, anthropologist Dimitris Xygalatas explains how…
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Family-School Partnership

By FMS Values, Montessori in Action, Montessori Learning No Comments
Our children really thrive when home and school environments work cooperatively, communicate well, and share similar educational values and expectations. When families devote sincere effort to learning about Montessori principles and how to reinforce these at home, there are positive effects. We want to partner with you in support of your child! What does a home-school partnership look like in action?   In order to reinforce and extend your child’s experience at…
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In Honour of Grandparents’ & Special Friends’ Day

By Emotional Wellbeing, FMS Values, Montessori in Action No Comments
Aleta Ledendecker was a Montessori teacher for nearly 40 years. She started her own Montessori school and taught early childhood through adolescents. Aleta was also a Montessori teacher trainer. She is now retired and has three grandchildren. In honour of Grandparents' and Special Friends’ Day Aleta shared some thoughts about Montessori and grandparenting.  As a former Montessori teacher, how has Montessori shaped the way you grandparent?  A new world of love…
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Making Amends

By FMS Values, Montessori Basics, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
Our children make mistakes. We can help them learn how to make amends. Help children shift from throw-away apologies to repairing the wrong-doing.Mistakes are a part of life. We all make them. Hopefully, we even learn from them! Intellectually we probably understand that mistakes are part of our children’s process of learning and growing. Yet as parents and caregivers, it can be hard to know how to handle situations when…
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The Positive Way

By FMS Values, Montessori Basics, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
Positive Discipline aligns well with Montessori philosophy and helps us shift from being punitive or reward-based to being kind and firm at the same time. We are often asked about how we handle discipline in Montessori. It’s a great question because we think differently about discipline. Ultimately, we want our children to develop self-discipline and to understand how to balance being an individual within a community. We know that children need…
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