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Students of different ages working together on a task

The Benefits of Multi-Age Grouping

By Montessori Basics No Comments
One hallmark of a Montessori education is the use of multi-age classrooms.  While Montessori is not the only type of education that utilizes this approach, it’s not what most people are used to.  What are the benefits of structuring a classroom this way?  Read on to learn more... Learning at an Individual Pace Children in multi-age classrooms tend to have a little more flexibility when it comes to mastering skills…
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Children demonstrating working "Freedom within Limits"

Why Freedom Within Limits Works

By Montessori Basics One Comment
One of the more common misconceptions about Montessori education is that we let the children run free to do what they please all the time.  It is true that we let our students make choices for themselves, not just about their work but about their preferences and even care of their own bodies, but those choices are made within carefully crafted parameters.  To give a child (or any human) choice…
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Anthony is demonstrating a learning technique to students.

Montessori is for all children

By Montessori Basics No Comments
How do you know when your child is bored at school? Denice Scala, Principal at Forestville Montessori School, provides 5 possible signs to look for in your child. Parenting can be perplexing. With young children, it is tough to separate behaviour from the root cause. Are you seeing any of these signs? Your child is alive at home, tiring you out with constant questions. Yet, her teacher is telling you…
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Two hands being held demonstrating "Everyone Belongs - Embracing Diversity from a Young Age"

Everyone Belongs – Embracing Diversity from a Young Age

By Montessori Basics No Comments
We all want our children to be peaceful and accepting of others.  It is never too early to start teaching them to embrace diversity.  Too often, we falsely imagine that young children do not notice what makes them different from each other.  They do notice, and instead of waiting for them to ask questions or gather information on their own, we can be proactive about diversity education.  We can teach…
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