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Child exploring through a magnifying glass.

Five Reasons to Share Why You Chose Montessori

By Montessori Philosophy No Comments
You made the decision to enroll your child (or children) in a Montessori school and you couldn’t be happier.  You see the benefits, you relish in the joy your child has for learning, and you know you made the right choice.  But for whatever reason, you may hesitate to share this with other parents.  Why do families hesitate to actively advocate for Montessori?  Here are five reasons to reconsider: 1.…
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A child exploring through a magnifying glass.

Science in Montessori

By Montessori Learning No Comments
Science is a major component of the Montessori curriculum. It gives children opportunities to learn about fascinating areas of study very early in their schooling.  Science in our Montessori classrooms is not taught in isolation. It provides children with a clear thinking approach to gathering information and problem solving. The scope of the Montessori curriculum includes a sound introduction to botany, zoology, chemistry, physics, geology and astronomy. When this approach…
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A mother and child cooking, creating family rituals

Creating Family Rituals

By FMS Values, Helpful Hints, Montessori Basics, Montessori Philosophy, Talking with children No Comments
“See you in the morning, Hoot, Hoot,” sings my daughter, “See you in the morning, Hoot Hoot,” me echoing a reply. This is the silly song you would hear in our family home every night before my daughter goes to bed.  It started after watching Giggle and Hoot when she was oh so young and we’ve continued ever since.  Now she tells me that is she goes for a sleepover…
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Read our 2018 Annual Report

By Montessori Basics No Comments
Central to everything we do is our Montessori philosophy and our commitment to providing the highest quality of Montessori education through our Birth to age 12 programs. This is strengthened by our vision and our core values. To make this happen, we focus on aligning all that we do in our day to day practices to support our students in their growth and development, our staff in their passion for…
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Children playing in a pond

Engaged or Bored? How to Tell What Your Child is Feeling at School

By Emotional Wellbeing, Montessori Basics, Montessori Learning, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
How do you know what your child is feeling at school? A familiar scenario: your child comes home from school, and you, the interested parent, eagerly ask them how their day was and what they did.  While some children will happily relay the day’s events, most shrug and say, “Good” without offering any detail.  Don’t worry - this is totally normal.  After all, it’s not even really a question about…
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Making a Difference – What is the Role of the Montessori Teacher?

By Montessori Educators, Montessori Learning, Montessori Philosophy One Comment
What, exactly, is the role of the Montessori teacher?  How is it so different from that of any other teacher? Sometimes it’s easiest to begin by explaining what a Montessori teacher isn’t. A Montessori teacher is less like the traditional idea of an instructor, and more like a gentle guide.  They don’t consider it their job to give a child information.  They rather lead children in the general direction and…
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Mathematics through the levels

Montessori Basics: How Mathematics Progresses Through the Levels

By Montessori Basics, Montessori Educators No Comments
In Montessori, you know your four year old loves their classroom and their work.  You know their teachers are guiding them to learn early mathematical skills.  But what, exactly, does that look like?  And how does it change as they get older?  Montessori mathematics materials are nothing short of amazing.  While they look quite different than what we used growing up (pencil, paper and textbooks) there are intentional reasons for…
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Montessori and Peace Education

Montessori and Peace Education

By FMS Values, Montessori Basics, Montessori Philosophy No Comments
Our world is often a tumultuous and scary place. How can we help our children feel safe and cared for, while preparing them to lead the way as adults? How can we cultivate empathy, kindness, gratitude, and the sense of community that helps people work together? Montessori education has been addressing these issues for over a hundred years. Sometimes the lessons are direct; at other times they are subtle. The…
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Show Mum how much you care on Mother's Day

5 Simple Ways to Show Her You Care on Mother’s Day

By Montessori Philosophy, Parenting No Comments
Everyone loves to feel appreciated.  With Mother’s Day coming up next Sunday, it’s a great time to think of how you might show the mothers and carers in your life what they mean to you.  Here at FMS our students are getting ready to host a Mother’s Day morning tea, but in the meantime, we offer five simple ideas to celebrate and care for the woman who cares for everyone.…
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Students of different ages working together on a task

The Benefits of Multi-Age Grouping

By Montessori Basics No Comments
One hallmark of a Montessori education is the use of multi-age classrooms.  While Montessori is not the only type of education that utilizes this approach, it’s not what most people are used to.  What are the benefits of structuring a classroom this way?  Read on to learn more... Learning at an Individual Pace Children in multi-age classrooms tend to have a little more flexibility when it comes to mastering skills…
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